In the year ahead of us, all business`s should really focus on their digital presence and their marketing strategies. The easiest step to start with is Social Media. Even though platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, have been around for some time now, their influence is not ceasing. They are just changing their game. The key to Social Media Marketing for Chiropractors is creating unique content that is integrated with your patients interests and delivering that content in an authentic way that will result in more interaction.
Perfect combination that will help each Chiropractor build a strong Social Media presence and bring more patients from your page to your office, is when you create and organize quality content, deliver it with up to date apps and media and by starting to invest in Social Media advertising.
Step 1: While making your working schedule, make one for your Social Media as well
Don’t put yourself in the position where you sit in your practice, at the end of a hard day, thinking: What am I going to post today? Easiest way to organize your content will be by choosing topics in advance, the once you would want your patients to see in the upcoming months. Selection of these topics can come from many different factors like:
- Time of the year – where you want to give your patients winter tips on how to stay healthy, and prevent them from getting injured on ice;
- Or buy the most common health issues you treat, for ex. if the majority of your patients suffer from lower back pain, you will find it useful to share tips on this issue at your page more often;
- Or based on seasonal holidays – these can be fun and give you the opportunity to make things more entertaining and relaxed, not just strictly health related. Take some time to say Happy Valentine’s Day, Family Day…remember to mention first day of Spring, etc.
- Or based on promotions and events you will be having, where you can prepare informative posts that you can share every week while the promotion is active
Once you have your topics for the month, you can brainstorm ideas for posts and put them on the paper. Write them down whenever you feel up to it. If you are wishing for Winter to be over and you are daydreaming about summer, use that moment to write summer posts and save them for later. Write a Blog on one of these topics when you feel inspired and keep it handy. If you didn’t write Blog so far, consider starting it right away. Chiropractic field is full of interesting topics your patients would live to read more about. All these ideas should go to your social media calendar, so you will always know what should be posted and when. Later you will replace those ideas with actual posts.
Step 2: Think of new ways to deliver your content – don’t be afraid of video
When you feel like you have enough content to fill your next month`s calendar, or even few months in advance, consider not just typing that post and adding free stock image to it. Why not make a video this time, where you are giving your patients useful exercise tips? Instead of reading these tips and looking into some google images, your potential patients can see the face of their future chiropractor. Whether it’s a spontaneous live video, or one that you prepared carefully, surprise your followers with video appearance. These will work on each social platform, not just Facebook. Add them to your Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and reach all target groups. Authenticity is the way to go.
Don’t be afraid to make Stories on social platforms that support it like Facebook and Instagram. This way you can share everyday events and experiences with you patients without overwhelming your followers, since these will last for only 24h. It will also characterize you as an up to date Chiropractor who is following latest trends in your field of work and in social media marketing as well.
Why not ask your patients to give you a video referral, you will be surprised how many people would love to do that? But getting to know patients more, you will know the ones who would give a great review and they will appreciate you choosing them among all others. Don’t be afraid if it will be out of their comfort zone, social media exposure is now part of that zone for most users, especially younger ones. Take advantage of it. Use these videos to make them part of your next blog, or make new ones that will relate to the topic you are writing about.
Be up to date with Latest Marketing Trends That Will Help Your Practice Reach More Patients and create posts that won’t be unnoticed in 2018.]
Step 3: Make it easier to schedule and publish
You need to share your posts on all your social media pages in order to reach more audience. If you have a schedule written somewhere and you know what topics and posts you want in what time of the month, you just need to copy-paste it to your social media calendars.
Facebook has great publishing tools that will allow you to schedule exact dates and times you want your content to be published and you can edit them at any time, but not all platforms offer that. There are some helpful applications you can use to make it easier, Like Buffer that really will come in handy if you have more than one social media page. It`s great for Instagram because it doesn’t have its own publishing tools. Buffer will give you the opportunity to have all your social media calendars in one place, instead of having several calendars opened in several tabs on your desktop. It`s easy to handle, saves time and keeps things organized.
Once you have everything scheduled to be posted, your work is done, just relax and enjoy your content being published.
Step 4: Start boosting your posts and invest in Facebook Adds
Main reason you need to do this is to target the right audience that needs to see your content and that will potentially become your next patient.
If you made your informative, professional posts full of useful health tips but you are not sure if they are hitting the target – boos them. Boosting posts is an effective and inexpensive way to get more exposure for your content. It’s a simple and easy process – posts are boosted directly from your Facebook Page – and you can boost a post for as much or as little as you want. Read this simple step by step Facebook Guide that will help you Reach more people directly from your Page.
This way posts that talk about rheumatism can hit the older audience and the ones that talk about bad posture can be aimed toward younger population that spends more time sitting in front of their computers.
If you are ready to invest in advertising, but your budget is still not that big, start with Facebook Advertising. You wouldn’t believe that you can start advertising your Chiropractic with the same amount you spend on your coffee or tea each day. Once you start seeing the results and get more patients, you will be able to ad few extra dollars next time and so on. Think about your brand, your goals, your target audience, amount you are willing to spend and how you would like yours ads to look like.
Read more in Facebook guide
When creating your ad, make sure you will follow Facebook rules and regulations on Personal Health policy when choosing images and videos. There is a thick line between making your Facebook Advertisement perfect and crossing that line by causing a negative reaction from your patients. You want to encourage them to exercise and loose weight to lower the impact on their back and legs, but you don’t want to offend them by posting images that will make them feel bad about themselves.
Also, believe it or not, “before and after” images are not allowed when advertising on how to help someone loose extra weight. This is why making an ad should take some extra time but it will pay off. Choose your target group wisely. If the right person clicks on your add, it will take them to your practice, otherwise you are just spending money on empty clicks that are going to waste.
Step 5: Hire a Professional (optional)
If all of these steps seem too hard and complicated for you and you just don’t have enough time to work on it, or you simply aren’t creative enough to express your knowledge in a way that social media would appreciate, think about hiring a professional to do it for you. This way you won’t have to worry if you are doing it correctly or if you just wasted days and weeks preparing a campaign that gave no results. Social Media Marketing specialist are the ones who follow the latest trends and will definitely keep you up to date with your competition. This is a worthy investment that will save you precious time and most importantly it will give results.
We would recommend asking for a professional help when starting to implement these ideas, but still be included. Marketing specialist can help you with the content, but you should be the one delivering it. Your face is the one your patience should see when hearing health advice and you are the one who should answer their questions and doubts. You can also invest in Social Media education by attending training to learn how to do it yourself, in time.
We at Siva Creative have a team of experts who are working with Social Media Trends daily and would love to help you out. Contact us today for a free consultation and let’s start from there.