Things Only People in a Creative Industry Understand

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Oh, the creative industries. What a fun and exciting career. Some who are involved in a creative industry such as graphic design or architecture might have moments where you think, “How is this actually my job? It’s too good to be true.” And they’re not wrong. It’s like being paid to do your hobby. But along with all the fun, there are a few weird situations that you wouldn’t have prepared for. These are things that only people who work in a creative industry will understand. If you’re one of them, you’re definitely going to relate to this blog. So let’s get into it! Let’s see how many of these you’ve experienced.

Most People Won’t Ever Really Understand What You Do

team celebrating

It’s usually an interesting and really awkward situation when someone asks, “So what do you do for a living?”

And you respond with, “Oh, well I’m an– *insert super awesome creative industry career here*.”

You’ll either get one of three responses: The “I’m so sorry you’re poor” face, the “I don’t know what that is so I’ll pretend I do” reaction, or the “I actually do know what that is. That’s so cool!” reaction.

No matter what, it’s always going to be a little awkward. But that’s usually what happens when you have a job that is either treated like a hobby or is never talked about.

No One Cares About the Work You Do

creative industry struggles

This sounds a lot sadder than it is. There are a lot of people who will fully appreciate your work. It just happens that these people are in the same field as you. But God forbid you show a family member a project you’ve worked on. Are you a web designer? Well, if you’ve shown your mom or dad any of your work, it probably went like this:


“Mom, look at this website I designed.”

Mom scrolls quickly through the homepage.

“What’s ‘Your Pleasure’s My Pleasure Incorporated’?” 

“Mom, don’t look at that, it’s not important. Just look at the design.”

“Yeah,’s just a website. By the way, when did Uncle Jim say he would stop by?”


Sounds riveting doesn’t it?

You Can’t Ever Stop Analyzing Things

person analyzing creative work

Enjoy your hobby before it’s your job, because you’ll never look at these things the same way again. If you’re in advertising, you won’t ever be able to glance at a print ad and walk away. You’ll always feel the need to analyze it for what it does well and how it could be improved. How is the layout organized? Is the kerning the best it could be? How could that slogan be improved? It will never. Be. The same.

Your Brain Doesn’t Shut Off After You Clock Out

person working around the clock

Let’s say you have a deadline for a creative project. Before then, you have to find an innovative way to bring the concept to life. Oh look, it’s 5pm. Time to head home and binge watch a compilation of Emma Watson interviews on Youtube. Think again. Time to spend the next 12 hours thinking of that project and stay up all night unintentionally brainstorming. It’ll always be there at the back of your mind. Just like wondering if you left the garage door open at home. The fun never stops.

The Satisfaction of a Completed Project

team celebrating

Although there are a lot of weird and consistent annoyances that come with working in a creative industry, it’s always going to be one of your blessings. You’ll always be grateful that this job is yours. Once you’ve completed your first design, campaign, or project, you’ll feel an amazing sense of pride in yourself and your team. 

Speaking of the creative industry, did you know Siva is a marketing agency? What are the odds? We’re a team of creative professionals just waiting to get started on any of your business’s marketing needs. Want to know more? Reach out! And stay inspired!

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