How to Generate Leads using Facebook Lead Ads

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A man holding a large magnet which is attracting a sales lead

First off, what are leads? Leads are potential customers, or individuals that fit the description of your target audience as you have outlined. They display the qualities of having a need and/or interest or reason to have interest in your product or service.

Generating leads is the key to the survival and growth of your business. Without that initial lead, you would not have any consumers or sales and in turn, your business would suffer.  Leads are generated through a collection of data and what better way to generate leads than to capitalize on the amount of data Facebook has with their over 2 billion monthly users?

That is an incredible amount of people that you, as a business, have the ability of tapping into for potential leads!

Modern tactics in generating leads allow for you to have information ahead of time. This allows for you to analyze and target a specific audience so that you have a higher chance of conversion.

Knowing your Consumer is also very important when creating your ad.

Learn more about Knowing Your Consumer

Facebook can be very valuable when utilizing their data in creating a lead ad. Facebook has collected data on their multitude of users in order to target the appropriate audience. The majority of Facebook users have computers or mobile devices that are consistently logged in. This enables Facebook to track their online behaviour and learn which audience would be most appropriate for your product or service.

The process of creating a Facebook lead ad needs to have a few factors taken into careful consideration in order to be successful in generating your leads.

  • Anatomy of the post
  • Content
  • Visuals
  • Create lookalike audience feature

Anatomy of a Post to Generate Leads

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Your lead ad should be composed to not only attract attention but to also convince the audience to sign up for your lead.

Since humans process visuals faster than text, the post should be composed with an image with a link to draw attention to your ad. It should also be concise, yet compelling with a clear goal. You also want your post to encourage engagement. By having users interact with your post, they are more likely to visit your website. In doing so, you get more website traffic!

Traffic to depict the anticipation of increase in website traffic in generating leads from Facebook.

Content Considerations for Posts to Generate Leads

When creating your lead ad, you want people to sign up for your lead. In order to do so, you need to give them an incentive or offer value and tell them WHY they need to sign up. The content needs to tell them exactly what they will get out of signing up for your lead.

Humour is also a great inclusion in the content of the ad. It can help establish a relationship with potential clients or customers. Humour in an ad helps make everything more fun and exciting, and usually encourages more engagement and comments.

It is good to be unique and bold in order to stand out from the others and not to be the same as everyone else.

The words used within your ad are important as well, as certain words perform better than others. The words: you, free, because, instantly and new, have been shown to help improve the performance of your ad.

Visuals for Posts to Generate Leads

Young girl cuddling and giggling with her puppy to demonstrate the type of visuals that are memorable in choosing one for an ad to generate leads on Facebook

According to a research study sponsored by 3M, people process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. If it were a race between visuals and text in the amount of time it takes for the brain to process them, visuals would win, hands-down! Visuals are very powerful in not only having a potential client notice the ad but to also remember it.

When creating an ad with visuals, not all visuals are created equal in terms of the brain remembering the image. There have been studies done that have found that certain images are more memorable than others. The human brain tends to remember images with humans or close ups of objects longer than it would of an image of natural landscapes. These are important considerations for creating an ad, as you want your ad to be both noticeable and memorable. The more emotion you can provoke, the better!

Learn what makes an image memorable to choose one accordingly when creating your ad.

Lookalike Audience to Generate Leads

An audience to depict the concept of Facebook's lookalike audience that can be used to generate new leads

This is an amazing tool to be able to use when creating your ad. Facebook has an algorithm they use to generate an audience similar to your pre-existing customers that are most likely to be interested in your product or service. Amazing right?!

Your lookalike audience can be based on many different options. It could be based on people who have visited your website or people who have watched a certain length of time of your videos. The lookalike audience could also be based on a customer email list that you have entered, or various other options.

In order for the algorithm to work perfectly for your lookalike audience, you need to have a minimum of 100 people in your source audience from one country. You also need to allow them 3-7 days in order to find your audience based on the information that you have given.

This is an incredibly useful way of specifically targeting an audience that is most likely to be interested in purchasing your product or service. The reach may be smaller than using a more broad audience, but it will be more effective in generating more high quality leads that are more likely to be interested in what you have to offer. Click here if you want to learn more about how to create a lookalike audience with Facebook.

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